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A reflective post on our improvements as we strive to be the greatest jersey apparel brand. Full transparency with our customers. We will continually update this as we grow. Mountain biking deserves the best clothing. To take our place in nature as we carve through it. Our MTB jerseys allow you to stand out.
  • 1 min read

No, this isn't a 1980's timewarp to the playground, and we aren't trying to be the next Pokemon. 


The short answer is: We wanted each jersey to make you feel unique when riding it. Therefore, we limited the numbers of every design to varying rarities. 


Each 'authentication' card is a way to prove you own one of the limited designs. 

  • 1 min read

Is technology what mountain biking is really about? Or are they just squeezing our profits. 

AI predicts the future direction of AI. 

  • 2 min read
  • 2 min read
